The gorgeous Bollywood star Sharvari has truly owned the year 2024 in Bollywood. She kicked off the year with a 100-crore blockbuster with Munjya, where her dance number Taras, became one of the year’s biggest musical sensations. Post that she had a global streaming hit with Maharaj and then Vedaa for which she won unanimous praise for her brilliant acting. She has also bagged the big action entertainer Alpha, a YRF Spy Universe film, in which she is acting with superstar Alia Bhatt.
Known for her versatility and dedication, Sharvari’s passion for dance is as deeply rooted as her love for cinema, and she has now taken the industry by storm with her electrifying performance in the blockbuster dance song Taras. Landing one of the biggest dance numbers of the year so early on in her career is truly commendable.
Sharvari’s journey with dance began long before the cameras started rolling. Talking about the same, she said “I can immediately start to dance if music comes on. This has always been me since I was a child. Growing up, I became a super filmy kid and I used to imagine myself as a Bollywood heroine, wearing a chiffon saree and running through mustard fields and dancing to the beautiful songs from our Hindi films.”
Sharvari added, “I think I manifested this profession for myself and I definitely manifested landing a big dance song like Taras. I was thrilled when my producer Dinesh Vijan sir trusted me with a dance song. I gave it my everything while filming Taras. It was an opportunity to show the industry that I can dance well and there was no way in hell that I would be doing this half-heartedly.”
Sharvari’s commitment to her craft is evident in the way she approached the song Taras. Talking about the same and the response, Sharvari said, “I practiced the steps everyday and I’m grateful that people loved what they saw. To witness such an amazing response from people, to see them dance on my song in theatres was a huge deal. I hope I keep entertaining people with my acting, my dancing, my hard work and dedication to my profession. I am hugely inspired by the leading ladies of Bollywood who have danced their way into the hearts of people. Madhuri Dixit, Raveena Tandon, Sridevi, Karisma Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Katrina Kaif, have left a legacy for actors like me to be inspired constantly.”