Actress Sunny Leone is all set to make a mark in the Malayalam film industry with a new project. The actress-entrepreneur has already kickstarted the shooting of the untitled Malayalam project. A video, that showcases Sunny performing the muhurat pooja with the team, has surfaced online and has left fans excited. After being a part of some of the biggest biggies, this upcoming film of the actress-entrepreneur has only added a golden feather to her cap of illustrious filmography. This intriguing project of the ‘Kennedy’ actress has got the audience waiting with bated breaths to know what will Sunny bring to the table with her undeniable screen presence and her acting prowess.
Sunny Leone had previously made a guest appearance in Mammooty’s ‘Madhuraraja’. She had earlier announced two Malayalam films, namely ‘Rangeela’ and ‘Shero’, which are yet to hit the screens.
Meanwhile, Sunny Leone is currently hosting the latest series of ‘Splitsvilla X5’. Apart from this, she already has an interesting lineup of films coming up. She has Anurag Kashyap’s ‘Kennedy’, which had its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival and received a standing ovation at the coveted event. The film is yet to release in India. Apart from this, Sunny will also be seen in ‘Quotation Gang’.